Texas GMRS Network Board of Directors is aware that the FCC has quietly updated the wording on their website, providing additional clarification that linking GMRS repeaters is not allowed. 

As of midnight, Monday, August 19, 2024, we will be disconnecting the link between our repeaters, including nodes and IAX access. However, we strongly encourage our members to continue using the local repeaters, which will remain operational, to communicate with family and friends as usual. 

In the meantime, the Texas GMRS Network will continue to seek additional clarification from the FCC regarding this matter. We are also exploring the possibility of petitioning the FCC for a rule change to support the linking of GMRS repeaters. 

The Texas GMRS Network is committed to operating within the Code of Federal Regulations and the laws of the State of Texas. We adhere to the latest rules as published under 47 CFR Part 95 Subpart E – General Mobile Radio Service. 

The purpose of the Texas GMRS Network is to promote the use and development of the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and foster a natural interest in radio communications within the community, thereby enhancing public well-being, safety, and emergency preparedness. 



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